حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

DARY provides medical care for (20,958) patients, including the birth of (54) child February 2024

DARY Organization continued its medical services in the IDPs camps and returnee areas in Nineveh and Anbar through health centers and mobile clinics run by it with funding from the WHO and the cooperation of the MoH. The number of beneficiaries was (20,958) people, and (378) patients were referred to hospitals by ambulances, divided between emergency and cold referrals and childbirth. 

The number of beneficiaries of health services in Anbar reached (7,219) people, of whom (2,600) people received mobile medical clinic services and (2,444) people received health services at DARY 1 PHCC in Bzebez camp and surrounding area. (2,175) beneficiaries also received health care at DARY Kilo 7 PHCC in Kilo 7 camp (informal settlement). 

In Nineveh, (6,457) people received medical care, including the birth of (54) newborn, in the Tal Mark emergency complex and maternity unit in Zammar sub-district, included emergency and delivers services beside to mental health and psychosocial services and Vaccination with laboratory services. 

Also (3,906) people also received medical service at DARY 9 PHCC in Jada 1 camp for the displaced. While DARY 7 PHCC in Sinjar Mountain also provided Its health services to (3,376) beneficiaries of the free services provided by DARY Organization. 

Also, conduction of Awareness and health promotions sessions in whole centers and Mobile clinics.





For more information, please check out our website: https://daryhuman.org or our social media pages

Email: daryhuman@gmail.com & info@daryhuman.org

Or call the phones: (+964-7730255277 & +964-7730266277)

Our programs : https://www.daryhuman.org/programs.html

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