حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

DARY org providing services for more than (100) thousand beneficiaries and handing over 10 sites due to lack of fund.

DARY org provided health services to (93820) beneficiary at its PHCC and clinics during the last month of 2021, by fund and support from WHO-IHF-UNFPA-CARE international/Iraq,

The services included: Primary healthcare, Reproductive health and emergency as well, Mental health and psychosocial support, Physical rehabilitation, vaccination as well COVID-19 vaccination while stopped some of its sites.


Number of beneficiaries of both Ninewa and Anbar from health services funded by (WHO) reached (60619) beneficiary from DARY’s static PHCCs and MMU, Emergency and Maternity units, while number of deliveries (136) delivery,

And Number of beneficiaries from Mobile vaccination team of COVID-19 in Anbar funded by IHF reached (3620) citizens.

While total number of women beneficiaries from Reproductive health (10014) beneficiary at (Anbar -SAD – Ninewa) funded by UNFPA among them (185) normal vaginal delivery, while DARY provided primary healthcare and reproductive health services for (11276) beneficiaries, among them (53) normal vaginal delivery funded by CARE International in Iraq and GFFO, while conducted awareness session and beneficiaries reached (8155).


In the time that DARY operating 3 new PHCCs in Anbar ( Al-Rafdah – Jrejib- Mobile health care center), it stopped 10 sites due to lack of fund to the stable and returnee  areas which is 2 delivery rooms ( Al_Rumana and Al-Karma) and Al-Saqlawiya RH clinic and GFFO/CARE PHCCs and maternity unit in anbar and ( Al-Siyniya – Al-Ziwiya RH clinics ) in Saladin and Hammam Aleel delivery room, Al-Qairawan , Wana , Ewynat RH clinics in Ninewa )



To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our 
website http://daryhuman.org/ or 
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/

To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:



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  • حسين محي فندي حسين
    حسين محي فندي حسين
    3 Year Ago


  • ابراهيم خالدمحمود عبد الله
    ابراهيم خالدمحمود عبد الله
    3 Year Ago

    خريج اعلام

  • فائق ابراهيم رشيد عبد الحيالي
    فائق ابراهيم رشيد عبد الحيالي
    3 Year Ago

    متطوع في صفوف منضمة داري
