حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان


DARY org. Run a program about community awareness about COVID-19 through focus group discussions in Anbar and Ninewa funded by UNFPA 
DARY did assessment for gaps and need of community regarding COVID-19 started the program in the region of Akaz Gas station in Al-Qaem for the staff and workers for promot them about the COVID-19, explaining the safety and how prevent from it , raising their awareness about mode of transmission , the sign and symptoms of infected or suspected cases. 

The aim of the program is about group discussions about COVID-19 and its prevention between beneficiaries and trainers whom the got specialized training before the start of program funded by UNFPA also the program concentrated on pregnant and lactating women during COVID19 in the regions of AlHabbaniya and AlRumana in Anbar and Talmarak-Ewynat in Talafar in Ninewa


To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our 
website http://daryhuman.org/ or 
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/

To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:



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  • محمد خزعل صبر
    محمد خزعل صبر
    4 Year Ago

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  • جنان حميد عبدالمجيد
    جنان حميد عبدالمجيد
    4 Year Ago

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