DARY Human Organization examined and treated (62710) patients in its centers and clinics during June 2022, and provided them integrated health services with funding and support from donor organizations (WHO-IHF), which included primary health care, Reproductive and emergency, in addition to mental health, vaccinations for children and for COVID 19
The total beneficiaries of the services provided by the centers and clinics of DARY in Ninewa about (29,498) beneficiaries, distributed as follows: DARY 7 PHCC Mount Sinjar (4,078), including (43) referrals to hospitals by ambulance, emergency complex and maternity unit in Tal Mark (9,020) beneficiaries, including (30) referrals to hospitals by ambulance, (86) of them normal vaginal deliveries, DARY Al-Wardiya in Al-Baaj (1,955), DARY Tal Al-Banat PHCC in Sinjar (1,479), and DARY mobile clinics (9,835) beneficiaries. While beneficiaries from mental health at Tal marak hospital in Zummar reached (312) beneficiary from mental health and psycho-social support, while for mobile clinic in Diyala provided health services to (2,819) citizen.
While the total beneficiaries of services provided by DARY centers and clinics in Anbar, it reached (21,236), distributed as follows: DARY 1 PHCC – Bzeibez informal settlement (1,311) beneficiaries, DARY 2 PHCC - Amiriyat Al-Fallujah informal settlement (2,632) beneficiaries, DARY Al- Rafida PHCC (1,553) beneficiaries, including (4) referrals, DARY Jarjeeb PHCC (1,450) beneficiaries, including (5) referrals, the mobile health center in Kilo 18 (1,992) beneficiaries, and an emergency unit and call center Al-Rummanah (7,123) beneficiaries, including (6) referrals by ambulance, mobile clinics (5,175) beneficiaries. As for awareness sessions carried out in DARY centers and clinics, in Anbar, Ninewa and Diyala, the number of beneficiaries during July reached (11,976).
To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our
website http://daryhuman.org/ or
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/
To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:
محمود علي عبد الحميد منوخ
Replyعلي محمد
اني مصاب بنفجار لدي كومه عمليات احتاجكم
Replyابن الموصل
اخي العزيز احنا عدنا مريض
Replyمحمد عيسى النجيد
شكراً لمنظمة داري على تعامل الراقي علي فوز العظيم
Replyعلاء حمودي مناتي
Replyعلاء حمودي مناتي