حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان


DARY Human Organization provided free medical and health services to ( 112948 ) citizens during MAY 2021 including Primary healthcare services, Mental health and physiotherapy, reproductive health and maternity units, vaccinations, nutrition, while conducted awareness and health promotion around (12,727 ) sessions and the total beneficiaries was (  28,250 ) citizens.
The total number of beneficiaries from DARY’s services in ANBAR around ( 43583)
 citizen, distributed on its static PHCC and Mobile clinics funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) came as the following "DARY 1" Bzebez ( 2,895  ) citizens, DARY2 - AAF camp" (1,675) citizens "DARY 8" hay albakr-Heet ( 1,452 ), Al-Rumana Emergency unit and ambulance call Center at Al-Qaem district, served (4,674 ) citizens. while mobile clinics operating in the regions of 2 ANA – 2 Al-Qaem – Al-Khalidiya HTC / Al-saqlawiya – Al-Furat – Kilo 7 / Kilo 18 )  provided services to (11,682 ) citizens.
while DARY’s clinic and delivery rooms in Anbar and Funded by (UNFPA), they provided services as the following: AL-Karma Delivery room ( 844) , around 64 of them normal vaginal deliveries. in Al-karma district, AL-Rumana Delivery room (2,065 ) , 33 of them NVD. in Al-Rumana district, while Al-saqlawiya RH clinic in Falluja served (1,497 ) beneficiaries, while Al-Baker Delivery room in Heet funded by (WHO) served (1,452 ) , 48 of them NVD.
while DARY clinics in al-falluja and Al-Shuhada PHCC funded by (CARE) international in Iraq served (7,177 ), whereas  Alwahda PHCC provided service to (1,235) citizens, and Al-Shuhada PHCC served ( 2,180) and  Al-khalidiya delivery room served (1,419) about 28 of them NVD and Al-Khalidiya referral center served (35) cases.
In Nineveh, the number of the beneficiaries from DARY services ( 66366) citizen, distributed on its PHC Centers and clinics funded by (WHO) served as the following : "DARY 5 in Al-Qawsyat (2,072 ) citizens, DARY 6" (6,384 ) citizens, "DARY 7 – in Sinjar" (3,602 ), "DARY 10 Al-Sununi" (9,713 ) citizens, 10 mobile clinics provided services to ( 19,204) citizens.
While the Emergency Complex and Maternity hospital in Tal Marak in Zammar district provided services to ( 5,722) citizens, 62 of them NVD. IBN SENA Mental health center and physical Rehabilitation center in Ninewa funded by (WHO) served (1,022 ) beneficiary. The PHCC funded by (IHF), which served as following “ DARY 11 Khatara (1,146 ) , DARY 12 Doghat ( 1, 011), While 4 mobile clinics provided services to ( 10,343) citizens.
In the side of Reproductive Health (RH), 3 clinic funded by (UNFPA) which is working as the following Ewynat (1,346 ) and Wana – Telkeif (937 ), Qayrawan-Sinjar (1021) citizens, Hammam Alaleel delivery room (2843 ) citizens, 40 of them NVD.
In Saladdin , 2 Reproductive Health clinics (RH), funded by (UNFPA) which is working at Al-Ziwiya and Al-Siyniya sub-district part of Baiji, served ( 2999 ) and the details as the following : Al—Ziwiya clinic ( 1,467) and Al-Siyniya ( 1,532) citizens.
While for the Health awareness and promotions, DARY’s PHCC and clinics conducted in ANBAR, NINEWA, SALLADIN, around (12,727) awareness sessions including COVID-19 sessions, the total beneficiaries’ reached (28,250) citizens, distributing on the following: ANBAR (18,080) citizens, NINEWA (8,126) citizens, SALLADIN (2,044) citizens.
Ziwiya and Al-Siyniya sub-district part of Baiji, served ( 2999 ) and the details as the following : Al—Ziwiya clinic ( 1,467) and Al-Siyniya ( 1,532) citizens.
While for the Health awareness and promotions, DARY’s PHCC and clinics conducted in ANBAR, NINEWA, SALLADIN, around (12,727) awareness sessions including COVID-19 sessions, the total beneficiaries’ reached (28,250) citizens, distributing on the following: ANBAR (18,080) citizens, NINEWA (8,126) citizens, SALLADIN (2,044) citizens


To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our 
website http://daryhuman.org/ or 
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/

To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:



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  • غانم ابراهيم حسن
    غانم ابراهيم حسن
    2 Year Ago

    كيفيه الانظمام لمنظمة داري

  • ديارعبدالعزيزرشيد
    2 Year Ago

    من نه خوشيا كليا و معيده زور تئشيت و به ر جافئ من برينداربو

  • محمد طلال عبد الله
    محمد طلال عبد الله
    2 Year Ago

    احب ان ادرب او ان اعمل في مجال الصحة

  • عبدالرحمن محمد جاسم محمد
    عبدالرحمن محمد جاسم محمد
    2 Year Ago

    تعيين في المنظمة
