حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

DARY examined and treated (104,775) citizens and conducted (10996) health awareness session during February 2021

DARY Human Organization provided free medical and health services to (104775 ) citizens during February 2021 including Primary healthcare services, Mental health and physiotherapy, reproductive health and maternity units, vaccinations, nutrition, while conducted awareness and health promotion around (10996)sessions and the total beneficiaries was ( 26072) citizens.The total number of beneficiaries from DARY’s services in ANBAR around (38806) citizen, distributed on its static PHCC and Mobile clinics funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) came as the following "DARY 1" Bzebez (2840) citizens, DARY2 - AAF camp" (1944) citizens "DARY 8" hay albakr-Heet (4101), Al-Rumana Emergency unit and ambulance call Center at Al-Qaem district, served (5784) citizens. while mobile clinics operating in the regions of 2 ANA – 2 Al-Qaem – Al-Khalidiya HTC / Al-saqlawiya – Al-Furat – Kilo 7 / Kilo 18 )  provided services to (11314) citizens.while DARY’s clinic and delivery rooms in Anbar and Funded by (UNFPA), they provided services as the following: AL-Karma Delivery room (830) , 88 of them normal vaginal deliveries. in Al-karma district, AL-Rumana Delivery room (1791) , 34 of them  NVD. in Al-Rumana district, while Al-saqlawiya RH clinic in Falluja served (1533) beneficiaries, while Al-Baker Delivery room in Heet funded by (WHO) served (2316) , 42 of them NVD.while DARY clinics and PHCCs in al-falluja and Al-Shuhada PHCC and Al-khalidiya dlivery room and Al-khalidiya referral center and health awareness served (6353) about 55 of them NVD, Funded by (CARE) international in IraqIn Nineveh, the number of the beneficiaries from DARY services ( 63279) citizen, distributed on its PHC Centers and clinics funded by (WHO) served as the following : "DARY 5 in Al-Qawsyat (2198) zitzen, DARY 6" (5011) citizens, "DARY 7 – in Sinjar" (4286), "DARY 10 Al-Sununi" (8517) citizens, 10 mobile clinics provided services to (19995) citizens.While the Emergency Complex and Maternity hospital in Tal Marak in Zammar district provided services to (3996) citizens, 81 of them NVD.IBN SENA Mental health center and physical Rehabilitation center in Ninewa funded by (WHO) served (1166) beneficiary.The PHCC funded by (IHF- UNOCHA), which served as following “ DARY 11 Khatara (1048) , DARY 12 Doghat (1982), While 4 mobile clinics provided services to (9492) citizens.In the side of Reproductive Health (RH), 3 clinic funded by (UNFPA) which is working as the following Ewynat (1027) and Wana – Telkeif (975), Qayrawan-Sinjar (674) citizens, Hammam alaleel delivery room (2909) citizens, 52 of them NVD.In Saladdin , 2 Reproductive Health clinics (RH), funded by (UNFPA) which is working at Al-Ziwiya and Al-Siyniya sub-district part of Baiji, served (2693 ) and the details as the following : Al—Ziwiya clinic (1405) and Al-Siyniya (1288) citizens.While for the Health awareness and promotions, DARY’s PHCC and clinics conducted in ANBAR, NINEWA, SALLADIN, around (10996) awareness sessions including COVID-19 sessions, the total beneficiaries from it around (26072) citizens, distributing on the following: ANBAR (18943) citizens, NINEWA (5084) citizens, SALLADIN (2045) citizens.


To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our 
website http://daryhuman.org/ or 
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/

To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:




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