The number of beneficiaries of DARY’s Static centers and Mobile clinics in Anbar was (42594) citizens funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) came as the following "DARY 1" (3186) citizens, "DARY 8" in Heet-Albakr (3325), while mobile clinics operating in the regions of ANA - Al-Qaem – Al-Khalidiya- Saqlawiya – Kilo 7 / Kilo 18 – Al-Ruttba ) provided services to (13273) citizens. ambulance call center provided medical services to (4732) citizens, while the Al-Rumana Emergency unit and ambulance call Center at Al-Qaem district, served ( 4589) citizens. The PHCC funded by IHF- UNOCHA, which served as following “DARY 2-AAF camp" (2155) citizens .
while the number of beneficiaries of the Reproductive Health Delivery room at Al-Baker district in Anbar Governorate, which is funded by (WHO), reached (2737) citizens: (48) of them who underwent a normal vaginal delivery (NVD). AL-Karma Delivery room (870) women Funded by (UNFPA ) (80) of them who underwent a normal vaginal delivery (NVD) and Al-Saqlawiya RH clinic (1963 ) beneficiaries also Funded by (UNFPA)
while the total number of beneficiaries from health project (RH - deliveries - awareness) Funded by (CARE International) in Anbar reached ( 8222 ) citizens.
In Nineveh "DARY" PHC Centers and clinics total beneficiaries reached (69975) citizens, they distributed through its centers funded by (WHO) received the beneficiaries as the following : "DARY 5- Al-Qawsyat " (2367) citizens "DARY 6 Al-Jadaa" (6724) citizens, "DARY 7" in Sinjar Mountain (2790) citizens ,”DARY 11 Hatara provided service to(3758) and ”Dary 12 Doghat (1308) citizens, "DARY 10 Al-Sununi" (9575) citizens, While the Emergency and Maternity hospital in Tal Marak in Zammar district provided services to (4402 ) citizens. While mobile clinics provided services to (33703) citizens funded by (WHO ).
In the side of Reproductive Health (RH), the clinic funded by (UNFPA) which is working at Ewynat- Talafar (1374) - Wanna - Telkeif (1561) and Qairawan -Sinjar (1293) : served around (27) and Hammam alaleel Delivery Room (5410) beneficiaries.
On the other hand, Mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) which provided by DARY org. centers, IBN SENA MHPSS and physical Rehabilitation centers) in Ninewa funded by (WHO) served (776) beneficiaries.
In Saladdin , two Reproductive Health clinics (RH), funded by (UNFPA) which is working at Al-Ziwiya and Al-Siyniya sub-district at Baiji district, served (2660) and the details as the following : Al-Ziwiya clinic (1293) and Al-Siyniya (1367) beneficiaries.
To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail or visit our
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To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
خريج طبي
Replyخريج طبي تمريضي
خريج طبي تمريضي
Replyخريج طبي تمريضي 07510264797 سكن موصل كراج شمال
كراج شمال
خريج طبي تمريضي
اريد اسجل بالمنظمه
اريد اسجل بالمنظمه اني من هيت الأنبار اني سادس تطبيقي
Replyاحمد صالح محمد صالح
خريج علم النفس جامعة الموصل
Replyسكن ناحية حميدات
احمد حامد ابراهيم
بارك الله بجهودكم المبذوله وحقيقه منظمه جدا متعاون مع المواطن بكل كوادرها
Replyشكرااا لمن ساهم في انجاح هكذا مشروع حفظكم الله ورعاكم اينما تكونون
اذا اكو توضيف اني بامس الحاجه صاحب ثلاث عوائل والله على مااقول شهيد
اسمي احمد حامد ابراهيم
الموصل ناحيه حمام العليل
خريج اعداديه
مواليد 1983
عمل سائق في منظمه الهيئه الطبيه
هذا ولكم الشكر والتقدير 07708968735
كرم نزار فخري
Replyهذا رقمي
احمد صالح احمد محمود الكريص
مشكورين على جهودكم الطيبه والخيره
Replyارجو منكم التفضل بالموافقه عل تعييني عدكم بصفتي سائق سيارات كبيره وصغيره او سائق اسعاف
انا خريج سادس اعدادي وكذلك لدي العديد من الخبرات والمهارات الاخرى مع شكري وفائق احترامي لكم
أحمد طه صالح موسى
اني خريج بتدائية
Replyانا زمار منطقة الكسك
ومحتاج شغل
لدي العديد من المهارات
ممرضه ماهرة اريد اسجل بلمنضمه شلون اكدر اسجل
ممكن اسجل بلمنضمه
Replyمروه جاسم محمد
السلام عليكم... اني خريجه هندسه كهرباء محافظه الانبار... الرمادي