DARY Human Organization provided free medical and health services to (78285) citizens in its PHC centers, clinics and MMC during MAY 2020.
The number of visitors to DARY centers and clinics in Anbar funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) came as the following "DARY 1" (2209) citizens, "DARY 8" (3042), while mobile clinics operating in the regions of ANA, Al-Qaem provided services to (2413) citizens.
The PHCC funded by IHF-OCHA, which served “DARY 2-AAF" (2304) citizens,” DARY 3 al-Sofiyyah "(1021), "DARY 4-THC (1934),
while the number of beneficiaries of the Delivery room at Al-Baker district in Anbar Governorate, which is funded by (WHO), it reached (1458) citizens, 34 of them whom underwent a normal vaginal delivery, while a ANA emergency unit and ambulance call center funded also by (WHO) provided medical services to ( 2505) citizen, while the Al-Rumana Emergency unit and ambulance call Center at Al-Qaem district, funded by (WHO), served (3,115) citizens.
In Nineveh, "DARY" PHC Centers and clinics funded by (WHO) received the reviewers as "DARY 6" (8674) citizens, "DARY 9" (2653), "DARY Al-Sununi" (8674) citizens, "DARY 7" in Mountain Sinjar (2720) citizens , While the Emergency Complex and Maternity hospital in Tel Merak in the Zammar district, provided services to (2549) citizens, while mobile clinics provided services to (33026) citizens in the same month funded by (WHO and IHF-OCHA) .
To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our
website http://daryhuman.org/ or
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/
To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:
مها حسن عبدالله
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Replyاستاذ والله محتاجين حيل والله وحالتنا حيل تعبانه وابوي مريض واحنا بس بنات ماعدنا معيل محتاجين مواد غذائيه ومحتاجين حك علاج وفحوصات الله وكيلك
علي حسين محمود
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Replyانا من ناحية وانه اذا اكو تعين في منظمتكم في وانه بصلاة الإنجابية بصفة حارس أو كاتب أو فراش أي تعين لان محتاج كلش وانا معيل الوحيد لعائلتي وعندي اختي خريجه إعداديه تمريض اختصاص قباله وتوليد اذا يصير تعين الها وجزاكم الله كل الخير واتمنى الرد على تعليقي أو الاتصال بي على هذ الرقم