حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

DARY organization freely examines and treats (102830) citizens during April 2020.

DARY Human Organization provided free medical and health services to (102,830) citizens in its PHC centers, clinics and hospitals managed by them during April 2020.

The number of visitors to DARY centers and clinics in Anbar funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) came as the following "DARY 1" (3053) citizens, "DARY 8" (4274), while mobile clinics operating in the regions of ANA, Al-Qaem provided services to (1445) citizens.

The PHCC funded by IHF-OCHA, which served “DARY 2-AAF" (3446) citizens,” DARY 3 al-Sofiyyah "(1443), "DARY 4-THC (2439),

As for the number of beneficiaries of the Delivery room at Al-Baker district in Anbar Governorate, which is funded by (WHO), it reached (2048) citizens, 50 of whom underwent a normal vaginal delivery, while a ANA emergency center funded also by (WHO) provided medical services to ( 1820) a citizen, while the Al-Rumana Emergency Center at Al-Qaem district, funded by (WHO), served 2,666 citizens.

In Nineveh, "DARY" PHC Centers and clinics funded by (WHO) received the reviewers as "DARY 6" (11835) citizens, "DARY 9" (2957), "DARY Al-Sununi" (7070) citizens, "DARY 7" in Mount Sinjar (2090) citizens , While the Emergency Complex and Maternity in Tel Merak in the Zammar district, provided services to (1656) citizens, while mobile clinics provided services to (41125) citizens in the same month funded by (WHO and IHF-OCHA) .

while the monthly statistic of the number of beneficiaries from Hammam Al-Alil field hospital for the emergency department funded by (WHO), it reached (851) citizens who were conducted for  (32) of them minor operations, while the Maternity department ( gynecology and obstetrics)  in the same hospital funded by (UNFPA) has received (164) Citizens, of whom (6) women underwent normal and cesarean deliveries.

Whereas, Al-Jamhoori Emergency General Hospital funded by WHO received (9408) citizens, including (340) who underwent major operations and (260) minor operations, while Al-Batool gynecology and obstetric Hospital received (3010) female citizens (398) who underwent normal deliveries. And (320) Caesarean sections.



To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our 
website http://daryhuman.org/ or 
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/

To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:



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