Birth rates were recorded at DARY organization centers and hospitals operated and managed by it during 2018 to reach (7544) births, at the highest rate since year before the last year 2016.
Hamam al-Alil Field Hospital in Nineveh Governorate, northern Iraq since (1-1-2018 ) to (18-12-2018) delivered (4316) births, of which (1180) Caesarean section C\S ,and (3136) was normal vaginal delivery while Al-Batool Hospital for Gynecology & Obstetrics since (18-9 - 2018) delivered (3006) births, of which (1049) were Caesarean and (1957) were normal vaginal delivery .
In #DARY PHCC 6 in Al-Jadaa camp in Mosul, delivered two births was normal vaginal delivery, first on date (5-8-2018) , second one (21-8-2018) . while DARY PHCC 7 at Al-Sallamyiah camp in Mosul delivered (3) births was normal vaginal delivery during August of 2018 In Anbar province, west of Iraq, the delivery room in al-Bakr neighborhood in Hit district , since operated at (28-4-2018) : delivered (217) births was normal vaginal delivery.
DARY had opened the Delivery Room to provide reproductive health care and delivery services in the neighborhood and nearby areas, which lack health and medical institutions as well reproductive health services as a result of terrorist operations and battles to liberate areas of Anbar province.
DARY organization, in collaboration with international partners, most notably the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Office of the Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is deeply concerned with reproductive health and gynecological services to provide lifesaving services in high quality , including appropriate emergency obstetric care, in order to reduce the number of maternity mortality during delivery or after it , as well stillbirth rates and infants mortality during delivery process, thereby ensuring a healthy life and safety of mothers and their children and to prevent the occurrence of complications or disabilities sustained by the process of normal vaginal delivery or C\S.
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