To complement its continuous efforts to confront the pandemic, DARY Humanitarian Organization carried out an awareness campaign to urge and encourage citizens to receive vaccination against the emerging coronavirus, in cooperation with the DNGO Department.
The campaign launched by "DARY" and implemented by members and volunteers of the organization in Diwaniyah governorate aims to spread health awareness messages about the importance of the vaccine and correct information regarding its safety and effectiveness coinciding with the start of the implementation of the Corona vaccination campaign implemented by the Iraqi Ministry of Health, while the awareness campaign that was held in the markets, streets and neighborhoods of the governorate center met Great interaction by citizens.
The organization extends its thanks and appreciation to the team of members and volunteers for carrying out the campaign and making it success, in the service of our people in the governorate.
To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail or visit our
website or
Facebook page
To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:
محمد عبد الرزاق صالح ياسين
وفقكم الله واعانكم على فعل الخير